This is NetCDF file for delayed-mode data for cycle 48 of Argo float 4900785, downloaded from on 2020 June 24.

See also


a <- readProfiles(system.file("extdata", "", package="argoFloats"))
#> argoFloats summary
#> ------------------
#> * type:        argos
#> * contains 1 objects
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2025-02-14 10:26:21 UTC: `create 'argoFloats' object`
#>     - 2025-02-14 10:26:22 UTC: `readProfiles(profiles = system.file("extdata", "",     package = "argoFloats"))`
#> Argo Summary
#> ------------
#> * Source:              "/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/argoFloats/extdata/"
#> * ID:                  "4900785"
#> * Feature type:        "trajectoryProfile"
#> * Profiles:            1 delayed; 0 adjusted; 0 realtime
#> * Time:                2008-01-11 12:06:17
#> * Data Overview
#>                                              Min.     Mean    Max. Dim. NAs        OriginalName
#>     latitude [°N]                          27.916   27.916  27.916    1   0            LATITUDE
#>     longitude [°E]                        -75.896  -75.896 -75.896    1   0           LONGITUDE
#>     pressure [dbar]                             5      446    1650 75x1   0                PRES
#>     pressureAdjusted [dbar]                     5      446    1650 75x1   0       PRES_ADJUSTED
#>     pressureAdjustedError [dbar]              2.4      2.4     2.4 75x1   0 PRES_ADJUSTED_ERROR
#>     temperature [°C, ITS-90]                3.997   16.337  22.884 75x1   0                TEMP
#>     temperatureAdjusted [°C, ITS-90]        3.997   16.337  22.884 75x1   0       TEMP_ADJUSTED
#>     temperatureAdjustedError [°C, ITS-90]   0.002    0.002   0.002 75x1   0 TEMP_ADJUSTED_ERROR
#>     salinity [PSS-78]                      34.978   36.193  36.759 75x1   0                PSAL
#>     salinityAdjusted [PSS-78]              34.978   36.194  36.762 75x1   0       PSAL_ADJUSTED
#>     salinityAdjustedError [PSS-78]           0.01 0.010196 0.01531 75x1   0 PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR
#> * Data-quality Flag Scheme
#>     name    "argo"
#>     mapping list(not_assessed=0, passed_all_tests=1, probably_good=2, probably_bad=3, bad=4, changed=5, not_used_6=6, not_used_7=7, estimated=8, missing=9)
#>     default c(0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9)
#> * Data-quality Flags
#>     pressure:            "1" 75
#>     pressureAdjusted:    "1" 75
#>     temperature:         "1" 75
#>     temperatureAdjusted: "1" 75
#>     salinity:            "1" 75
#>     salinityAdjusted:    "1" 75
#> * Processing Log
#>     - 2025-02-14 10:26:21 UTC: `create 'argo' object`
#>     - 2025-02-14 10:26:21 UTC: `initializeFlagScheme(object, name="argo", mapping=list(not_assessed=0,passed_all_tests=1,probably_good=2,probably_bad=3,bad=4,changed=5,not_used_6=6,not_used_7=7,estimated=8,missing=9)), default=c(0,3,4,9))`
#>     - 2025-02-14 10:26:22 UTC: `read.argo(file="/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/argoFloats/extdata/")`
#>     - 2025-02-14 10:26:22 UTC: `override existing flagScheme to be mapping=list(not_assessed=0, passed_all_tests=1, probably_good=2, probably_bad=3, bad=4, changed=5, not_used_6=6, not_used_7=7, estimated=8, missing=9)),  default=c(0, 3, 4, 9)`