Complex subsets of Argo profiles using argodata and s2
This post is a demonstration of getting a complex subset of Argo profiles. For a paper we’re working on, we need a collection of long, well-characterized, coastal Argo float trajectories. For the purposes of the post, I’m going to define long as >500 km in length and containing more than 100 locations, well-characterized as a maximum of 100 km between profiles, and coastal as >80% of locations within 400 km of the coast. These criteria aren’t trivial to calculate!
To go about this, I’m going to use the argodata, s2, and tidyverse packages. The s2plot package is experimental but helps visualize the results of the subset.
We’re interested in trajectories, but we also don’t want to download and read every single trajectory file in Argo! The profile index contains best-guess profile locations and so I’ll use it here to approximate the trajectories for the purposes of selecting representative floats. In argodata, this is available from argo_global_prof()
, but we’ll also need to create the s2 objects tha represent the point location. There’s a few invalid nodata values that we also have to consider, and I use argo_extract_path_info()
to pull the float and cycle information out of the filename.
prof <- argo_global_prof() %>%
longitude = if_else(longitude %in% c(-999.999, -99.999), NA_real_, longitude),
latitude = na_if(latitude, -99.999),
geog = s2_geog_point(longitude, latitude)
) %>%
filter(is.finite(longitude), is.finite(latitude)) %>%
prof %>%
select(file_float, file_cycle, geog)
# A tibble: 2,443,945 x 3
file_float file_cycle geog
<chr> <int> <s2_geography>
1 13857 1 <POINT (-16.032 0.267)>
2 13857 2 <POINT (-17.659 0.072)>
3 13857 3 <POINT (-19.622 0.543)>
4 13857 4 <POINT (-20.521 1.256)>
5 13857 5 <POINT (-20.768 0.72)>
6 13857 6 <POINT (-21.566 1.756)>
7 13857 7 <POINT (-21.564 2.595)>
8 13857 8 <POINT (-21.587 1.761)>
9 13857 9 <POINT (-21.774 1.804)>
10 13857 10 <POINT (-21.362 1.642)>
# ... with 2,443,935 more rows
For the coastal subset we need some information that we don’t have. While argoFloats and argodata have built-in functions to subset by distance from a point or line, distance from a polygon is complicated, and even more complicated if that polygon is on the sphere. The s2 package contains a version of the Natural Earth 1:10,000,000 countries data set), which we can aggregate to form a definition of “land”.
land <- s2_data_countries() %>%
The s2 package has a dedicated function for “distance within”; however, if we use it here it takes an unreasonable amount of time on the ~2.5 million profiles in Argo. We can simplify the definition of “within 400 km of land” using s2_buffer_cells()
with a low min_level
land_400km_approx <- land %>%
s2_buffer_cells(400 * 1000, min_level = 3)
Using the land to preselect profiles that might be within 400 km before computing the exact subset saves almost half an hour of computation time here.
prof_coastal <- prof %>%
filter(s2_intersects(geog, land_400km_approx)) %>%
filter(s2_dwithin(geog, land, distance = 400 * 1000))
With a visual check, it looks like this worked!
s2plot(land, add = T, border = "blue")
s2plot(prof_coastal$geog, add = T, pch = 16, cex = 0.5)
We also need a few more pieces of information for our long and well-characterized criteria. First, we need to sort by float and cycle and compute distances between successive cycles.
prof_coastal_traj <- prof %>%
arrange(file_float, file_cycle) %>%
# only use the coastal subset
is_coastal = file %in% prof_coastal$file
) %>%
# takes care of duplicate profiles that have a realtime
# and delayed profile in the index.
group_by(file_float, file_cycle) %>%
slice(1) %>%
# compute distance between adjacent profiles
group_by(file_float) %>%
dist_from_last = s2_distance(geog, lag(geog))
Now we can apply our criteria. I’m using a grouped filter here so that I can use aggregation functions (like sum()
, max()
, and n()
) but retain all the profile information from which the information was calculated. More than 100 profiles per float becomes n() > 100
, >500 km in length becomes sum(dist_from_last) > (500 * 1000)
, 80% of profiles within 400 km of the coast becomes (sum(is_coastal) / n()) > 0.8
, and maximum distance of 100 km between profiles becomes max(dist_from_last) < (100 * 1000)
prof_coastal_traj_filter <- prof_coastal_traj %>%
group_by(file_float) %>%
n() > 100,
sum(dist_from_last, na.rm = TRUE) > (500 * 1000),
(sum(is_coastal) / n()) > 0.8,
max(dist_from_last, na.rm = TRUE) < (100 * 1000)
[1] 659
From these criteria, we get 664 floats! That’s a little lower than I was hoping for, so for the actual paper we’ll probably relax those numbers a little so that we have ~1,000 floats to work with. Once again, a visual check:
projection = s2plot_projection_orthographic(s2_geog_point(-40, 10))
prof_coastal_traj_filter %>%
group_by(file_float) %>%
summarise(traj = s2_make_line(longitude, latitude)) %>%
pull() %>%
s2plot(add = T, col = "blue")
For attribution, please cite this work as
Dunnington (2021, June 4). Argo Canada Development Blog: Finding Coastal Argo Trajectories. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{dunnington2021finding, author = {Dunnington, Dewey}, title = {Argo Canada Development Blog: Finding Coastal Argo Trajectories}, url = {}, year = {2021} }