NetCDF Wrapper API

These wrappers define a few ways to load a NetCDF file from a argodata.mirror.Mirror and define which tables can be extracted from them. These objects are used under the hood to power extraction of tables from the indexes; however, you may use them directly if you have local NetCDF files that conform to the Argo standards.

class MetaNetCDF(src)

Subclass representing a meta NetCDF file.

property config_param: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_CONFIG_PARAM and combine them with variables along N_MISSIONS and N_CONFIG_PARAM.

property launch_config_param: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_LAUNCH_CONFIG_PARAM

property missions: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_MISSIONS

property param: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_PARAM

property positioning_system: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_POSITIONING_SYSTEM

property sensor: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_SENSOR

property trans_system: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_TRANS_SYSTEM

class NetCDFWrapper(src)

The base class for an Argo NetCDF file. These objects are usually constructed using .

property dataset: netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset

Return the underlying netCDF4.Dataset .

property info

Returns a one-row DataFrame containing all dimensionless variables in the NetCDF.

info_(vars: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None)

Returns a one-row DataFrame containing all dimensionless variables in the NetCDF, selecting specific variables.

class ProfNetCDF(src)

Subclass representing a profile NetCDF file.

property calib: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_PROF, N_CALIB, N_PARAM

property history: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_HISTORY, N_PROF

property levels: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_PROF, N_LEVELS

levels_(vars: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_PROF, N_LEVELS selecting specific variables

property param: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_PROF, N_PARAM

property prof: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_PROF

prof_(vars: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_PROF selecting specific variables

class TechNetCDF(src)

Subclass representing a tech NetCDF file

property tech_param: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_TECH_PARAM

class TrajNetCDF(src)

Subclass representing a trajectory NetCDF.

property cycle: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_CYCLE

cycle_(vars: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_CYCLE selecting specific variables

property history

Extract variables along N_HISTORY

property measurement: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_MEASUREMENT

measurement_(vars: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_MEASUREMENT selecting specific variables

property param: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Extract variables along N_PARAM