Argo Float API

class Float(float_id, globals)

A representation of an Argo float based on one or more indexes. These objects are normally created using argopandas.float().

property bio_prof: argopandas.index.ProfIndex

The BGC profile index for this float.

property bio_traj: argopandas.index.TrajIndex

The BGC trajectory index for this float.


Returns True if this float object likely represents an actual float (i.e., the float_id is valid).

float_id() str

Returns the float identifier for this float.

property meta: argopandas.index.MetaIndex

The meta index for this float.

property prof: argopandas.index.ProfIndex

The profile index for this float.

property synthetic_prof: argopandas.index.ProfIndex

The synthetic index for this float.

property tech: argopandas.index.TechIndex

The technical parameter index for this float.

property traj: argopandas.index.TrajIndex

The trajectory index for this float.