Argo location class reference



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 15 rows and 2 columns.


Argo User's Manual, November 2019. doi: 10.13155/29825


#> # A tibble: 15 × 2
#>    location_class location_class_description                                    
#>    <chr>          <chr>                                                         
#>  1 0              Argos accuracy estimation over 1500m radius                   
#>  2 1              Argos accuracy estimation better than 1500m radius            
#>  3 2              Argos accuracy estimation better than 500 m radius            
#>  4 3              Argos accuracy estimation better than 250 m radius            
#>  5 A              Argos no accuracy estimation (3 messages received)            
#>  6 B              Argos no accuracy estimation (1 or 2 messages received)       
#>  7 Z              Argos invalid location                                        
#>  8 G              GPS positioning accuracy (better than 10 m)                   
#>  9 I              Iridium accuracy (better than 5 km)                           
#> 10 D              Beidou accuracy (better than 10 m)                            
#> 11 E              GLONASS accuracy (better than 10 m)                           
#> 12 F              GALILEO accuracy (better than 10 m)                           
#> 13 H              GNSS accuracy (better than 10 m)                              
#> 14 R              RAFOS accuracy                                                
#> 15 U              Estimated position. Accuracy not sent back by the float. An e…